Please search submissions for 55671


Access your most impossible markets, 4X your investment and accelerate the timeline and the truth like never before

Without screaming in EMs, diluting your legacy or lowering yourself to the standards of the people in the middle.

Who is this for?

People who support the truth

people that understand that the only way to win is through collaboration

PEOPLE who want to reach 'the middle' without having to change their messaging

people who know and have felt what we are up against

people who want to create value in society rather than exctract

people who understand what will happen if good people do not fight


What others are saying

"I tapped his phone"

"He came to help me build a business. Just incase, I thought it would be best to hack his phone. You know, because it is easier to blame him than the system I signed up to."

- Redacted

"I have been hacking him on and off for 4 years"

"I must keep hacking him to prove to myself that he is wrong "

  • - Redacted

" I'm trying to ruin his reputation"

"He helped me raise money for my startup so instead of paying his cut and giving credit I thought it would be easier to try and ruin his reputation"

- Redacted

submission: 55671

Iknow you are not fond of books but...


it is a classic error of strategy to calculate the risks of action but fail to calculate the (often greater) risks of doing nothing.

  • 1. The global economy is changing

  • 2. The global economy is suffering

  • 3. The cost of higher education is increasing faster than inflation

  • 4. Meanwhile, the value of a degree is falling

  • 5. Content is ubiquitous

  • 6. The competition is heating up


Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Why should I trust you with my money?

If you can find someone else who is as qualified and as brave AND has nothing to lose

Then go ahead

Question 2: Why is the video bad?

I'm not an editor. There are two perfect in depth video walk throughs in your submission box.

Question 3: What do you know?

I have been through the entire traditional education system at the highest publicly available level. (Not paid for).

Primary School, Secondary School (Grammar) Sixth form and a University degree. I understand what is missing.

On the flip side, I have also been around people who think online education is a scam. I have also been around traditionally uneducated people who have been able to do very well for themselves from an online education.

Question 4: Why now?

Smart people act before total disaster.

You could keep producing tonnes of content that is aimed at people in the middle, with hopes that they start trying

You could dilute your brand and fake it a bit so that you can resonate with the middle

Or, you could wait for total disaster and tell everyone you were right.

But do you want to be right or do you want to make even more money and help even more people?

I think I know

Question 5: How do I get in touch?

Please check your submissions for 55671. There will be videos with further information and an explanation. The password and details of how to contact me will also be in the submission box.

READY TO flip the script?


The tides are turning.